Only authorised members of the press and event organisers are allowed to download images from this site. As such, we would like to kindly ask you to respect our terms for using our images in publications:
Use images for ONE article/project
By receiving the download password from us you have obtained a non-exclusive usage licence for the images displayed for marketing ONE project/event/article, unless otherwise agreed. You are allowed to print the image on a flyer or poster and to use to them online on your website or facebook page. You are allowed to crop and modify images to fit your event’s design or style, as long as this is done tastefully and professionally and does not distort an image’s main motif.
Use full resolution ONLY for prints
Please do not use full resolution versions online! You are allowed to use full resolution images for printed materials only. You agree to only use max. 1200px wide images online including on social media. Both versions are included with the downloaded zip file.
Respect our right to review
Every flyer, poster, web banner, or other publication using our images needs to be send to us as digital file for review prior to publication. We reserve the right to reject any creative work using our images that presents us in a misleading way or which may harm our reputation. If we reject a publication created with our images, you are not allowed to proceed with publication until we have found a mutually acceptable solution.
Respect the photographer’s right to credit
Every file contains your image and a copyright notice with the photographer’s credits for print, web, and on Facebook. By downloading images, you agree to correctly credit the corresponding photographer next to their image used in your work in accordance with German copyright law (“Kunsturhebergesetz”).
Click on an image to download it: